VMICPCI MODEL 5588, VMICPCI-5588 -VMIC VMICPCI 5588 Fiber Optic Reflective Memory Module CompactPCI, VMICPCI MODEL 5588. 332-6555588-211E


• High-speed, easy-to-use network (1.2 Gbaud serially)
• Data written to memory in one node is also written to memory
in all nodes on the network
• Up to 1,000 ft between nodes with multimode fiber, 10 km with
single mode, 30 m with twinax
• Supports up to 256 nodes
• Data transferred at 29.5 Mbyte/s without redundant transfer
• Data transferred at 14.8 Mbyte/s with redundant transfer
• Any node on the network can generate an interrupt in any
other node on the network or in all network nodes with a
single command
• Error detection
• Redundant transmission mode for suppressing errors


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VMICPCI MODEL 5588, VMICPCI-5588 -VMIC VMICPCI 5588 Fiber Optic Reflective Memory Module CompactPCI, VMICPCI MODEL 5588. 332-6555588-211E


• High-speed, easy-to-use network (1.2 Gbaud serially)
• Data written to memory in one node is also written to memory
in all nodes on the network
• Up to 1,000 ft between nodes with multimode fiber, 10 km with
single mode, 30 m with twinax
• Supports up to 256 nodes
• Data transferred at 29.5 Mbyte/s without redundant transfer
• Data transferred at 14.8 Mbyte/s with redundant transfer
• Any node on the network can generate an interrupt in any
other node on the network or in all network nodes with a
single command
• Error detection
• Redundant transmission mode for suppressing errors