910-04103 -MERCURY RACE BACKPLANE CONTROLLER ILK16X, ILK16P, ILK16X ,910-04023 (QTY. 1) ,910-04103 (QTY. 3)
66-MHz RACE++ Switched Interconnect
Adaptive Routing
More than 2.1 GB/s Bisectional Bandwidth
Determinstically Low Latency
Low Power, Field-Tested Design
The RACEway Interlink standard provides system designers with the option to interface value-added technologies, such as application-specific boards that contain proprietary hardware designs, with RACEway Interlink modules.
Mercury’s RACEway Interlink modules bring embedded supercomputing performance to real-time VME-based systems. As a backward-compatible upgrade, Interlink modules transform the topology of an existing VMEbus chassis from a single transaction bus to a scalable real-time fabric capable of over 1 Gbyte/second of aggregate bandwidth. Interlink modules add inter-board bandwidth to VME-based systems by providing multiple, simultaneous, high-speed communication paths between VME boards interfaced to the RACEway Interlink standard
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